5 Futuristic Gadgets You Probably Didn’t Know Existed

no more woof badfive.com

1. No more Woof

If you have trouble understanding what your dog is trying to tell you, then No more woof , is a gadget for you. This small device is a headset that analyses your dog’s brain waves and translates them into words with actual meaning. Using this gadget you can finally understand how your dog feels and what it wants.

Find out more about this Gadget at their official website: www.nomorewoof.com

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transparent tv badfive.com

2. Transparent TV

We’ve all seen them in movies and we loved them. Transparent TVs look cool and futuristic. Everyone would love to have one sitting in their living room. Well, apparently you can already buy one from Samsung. Keep in mind though that they are still in the primal stages so don’t go ahead expecting a full Sci-Fi transparent television.

cyber reading badfive.com

3. Cybernetic Reading

Cybernetic Reading is a technology that uses a small implant at your fingertip and another one at your ear to translate words into sounds. When you are reading a book all you have to do is put your finger tip on top of a word to allow the device to recognize the characters and translate them into sounds directly to your ear. We could see this technology being part of the future reading of books.

erascan badfive.com

4. Erascan

Erascan is a whiteboard eraser that scans and stores in its memory the surface that has been erased.This particular gadget could turn out to be extremely useful to scientists and engineers that use whiteboards for their work and research. By using Erascan they can keep a record of their work in a more simple and convenient way.

mota smartring badfive.com

5. The MOTA SmartRing

The MOTA SmartRing is a smart and simplistic piece of innovative technology. It lies in the category of wearable devices since, well, you wear it. It’s a simple hub that pears up with any iOS or Android device to display notifications. It has been rated as The Most Innovative Product at the Consumer Electronic Show.

Find out more about this Gadget at their official website: www.mota.com


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