5 features that will make Pokemon GO the best MMO mobile game ever

If you are an old school trainer you will understand

Pokemon Go is trending over the last weeks. Many pokemons, many gym fights, many lures and many lost pokeballs take place all over the world. Millions of pokemon trainers are addicted from the first login, the first pokemon.. but imagine that game with some improvements.I am sure that some of you or the most of you have the same thoughts as me, as our survey showed. We hope that someone in Niantic will see somewhere this stupid words. Let’s start with:

1. Item trading
How many times you found a pokemon that you wanted or a rare pokemon and you didn’t have even one pokeball to catch it? How much annoying.. Anyway, with that feature trainers will be able to trade their items, for example if you ran out of pokeballs and your friend needed some revives, you can exchange revives with pokeballs. That’s simple.

2. More pokestops in some places
As I mentioned in the previous point, what should you do if you don’t have enough pokeballs? The only solution is to upgrade level or to find a pokestop. But what happens when the closest pokestop to your neighbourhood is 20-30 kilometers away? You should make trainers walk more not drive more. As you noticed there are many people that had car accidents because of Pokemon Go. Soooo, I think that the recalculation of the pokestops in some cities would be a serious improvement.

3. Battles with whoever you want
Just imagine that! Just imagine the competition. Why not Niantic? Why? I think that this feature is the best of all. I wish that one morning I will wake up and find an update with that description. Don’t you remember those epic battles with your friends with the Game Boy through the cable? We need that. Do it.

4. Offline mode
I know that is impossible to play the whole game in offline mode but at least some features could be available. For example, the battling feature in the previous point, the item trading in the first point or the management of your pokemon(transfers to professeur, power ups, evolves etc). That will make trainers that don’t have enough battery or mbs able to enjoy some parts of the game without the mobile data and location enabled.

Come on! People are so addicted even with that drawback. Many users stop playing the game because of that. I think it’s time to get them back. The huge amount of users is an issue but not an excuse. It’s the most important feature of all this that I mentioned.

I am sure that the developer company has its plans for some of this features later on. But the trainers can’t wait.

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