6 Tech Products That Will Enhance Your Productivity in College

From balancing a social life, job, internship, and classes, staying motivated and productive in college can be seriously challenging. Whether you’re just beginning your academic career or facing a momentary productivity block, we have some tips and tech recommendations to help you get back on track ASAP.

1) A high-performance laptop

Before you pack your bags to take the dormitories and classroom by storm, you’ll want to make sure you have the best laptop for school on your side. The worst nightmare any college student can imagine is losing a thesis due to a computer crash, or a laptop without a reliable battery.

When searching for the right computer for your use and budget, consider these features:

  • Portability: You’re going to be carting your computer around with you from class to class most days out of your week. Make sure your laptop is lightweight and easy to carry around with you, no matter what your schedule looks like.
  • Memory: From 30 page papers to multiphase projects, your computer will be home to your many assignments and accomplishments throughout your academic career. Make sure it’s got the memory bandwidth and storage space to hold all of the tools you need.
  • Performance: Depending on which programs you’ll need to run, you may want to invest in a laptop with a high-performance processor that can handle complex programs with ease and speed. Which programs require high-speed processing? Applications like the Adobe Creative Suite, web development software, and PC games are all examples of programs that may require powerful processing.

2) Noise-cancelling headphones

Even the quietest college libraries can become a world of distraction the moment a conversation strikes, or a pen drops. Invest in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones to laser-focus your work efforts and ensure you’re always on track for academic success.

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3) Task management software

Your calendar is maxed out with to-do lists and projects already. And to be honest, trying to keep track of a notebook scribbled with dates and changes to your schedule hasn’t proved to be very efficient thus far. A task management software program can not only help you prioritize your tasks, but it can also help you track progress on long-term projects and better manage your time.

4) A smart notebook

Typing out notes on a laptop may be faster and easier to refer back to—but studies have shown that students who take handwritten notes have better conceptual understanding than those who type their notes. But if you’re not ready to make the switch just yet, you can bridge the gap between digital and analog notes with a smart notebook. It works like this: simply take notes just as you would on a regular college lined notepad, and then you can scan your notes to automatically save them to a cloud-based storage system for you to refer back to!

5) Physical activity tracker

It can be challenging to maintain your fitness goals while balancing all of the responsibilities of college. But making time for physical activity has many benefits for your physical and mental health, including:

  • Improved mental health
  • Boosted productivity
  • Illness prevention
  • Increased alertness and energy

Even if you’re inching toward finals with little to no time in your schedule, make sure to incorporate regular walks, trips to the gym, or fitness activities that you enjoy. This simple step will give you at least a moment to blow off some steam and recharge. Get a fitness tracker to help keep you accountable.

6) Email management software

Sometimes just opening up your email can lead to a world of distractions and wasted time. Cut down on junk mail and prioritize emails that count, like those from your professors or school using an email management software such as SaneBox or Help Scout.

In conclusion

College is often the first time you’re out on your own, your first opportunity to truly manage your own schedule, and be held accountable for the work you do. While it’s an exciting adventure and chance to learn about yourself and the world, it’s easy to get off track. With the right tools to help, you can make sure you’re always set up for success—no matter how busy your schedule is.

About the author

Adam Pepka

Adam enjoys a comfortable life in Tucson, Arizona but is proud of the humble beginnings from which he came. Growing up reading authors such as Timothy Ferris, and feeling inspired by their bootstrap beginnings, Adam was determined to find financial freedom himself. He soon became a successful real estate mogul after one deal led to another, and not long after Adam began his own fix-and-flip enterprise. Aspiring investors and HGTV fans alike enjoy reading his blog about the various challenges and accomplishments he finds in each property renovation, as well as the tips and tricks he suggests for those considering their own fixer-upper. In between remodels, Adam enjoys teaching his audience about various investment strategies and how any Average Joe like himself can build a profitable portfolio. Apart from real estate, he’s very much interested in Silicon Valley, venture startups and the technology industry. He watches that arena with a careful eye, and is the first to alert his readers to major news or events.

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