Apple’s Planet of the Apps first episode is on and available for free

Apple’s reality show is finally here. Planet of the Apps is a series that focuses on developers trying to make it big. Their goal is to pitch their apps to VCs hopping to get funded.

The first episode is available for free but the following ones will only be available to subscribers of Apple Music. The show’s duration is about 45 minutes and if you’re interested in entrepreneurship and startups, then each minute spent watching it is well worth it.

The format of the Show

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In Planet of the Apps, developers have 60 seconds to deliver an ‘escalator pitch’ to a panel of four advisors, who will swipe left or right on tablets to indicate their interest in the idea. The team of advisors includes Jessica Alba, Gary Vaynerchuk, Gwyneth Paltrow and If any of them like the pitch, they can offer to mentor the entrepreneurs for six weeks as they prepare to meet VCs from Lightspeed Venture Partners and try to acquire funding.

The first episode focuses on two apps: Companion, which lets you share your real-time location with trusted contacts to be safer while traveling, and Pair, an augmented reality tool for visualizing furniture in a room for the purpose of purchasing them later.

If you want to give it a go, you can watch the first episode for free at the Planet of the Apps official website.

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