The specific website researches and evaluates technological products, regardless of brand and manufacturer, impartially and with no discrimination. It has no intent to defame or misinform readers regarding the products or the manufacturing companies.
The information gathered for writing the articles/evaluations is elicited from other websites and forums on the internet, from which we have the right to use material. Additionally, a useful source of information is the users’ personal experiences in relation to the products they themselves have bought and used, which are subjective and should not be considered as objective or proven or documented. In order to secure the validity of the articles, a cross check and evaluation of the information is carried out where possible and after reasonable effort from our team’s part.
The critique contained in our website consists of the authoring team’s’ personal evaluation (after research), and the evaluation, acceptance, decline, or the use of the evaluation either in part or as a whole in any way is left to the reader.