Secret message in Metroid Prime 4 trailer?

I decided to rewatch the Metroid Prime 4 first look trailer again the other day and I remembered something Mick Gordon, composer of DOOM (2016), did in some of his tracks. Basically, he made some tracks in such a way so that when viewed through a spectrogram (which is a tool to visualize the spectrum of frequencies of sound), they show hidden images.

Like this.

That’s when I had the idea to do the same thing with the Metroid Prime 4 first look trailer. So I viewed the trailer’s sound as a visual representation. The first picture was made by recording sound from my speakers. In both pictures, I believe we can see Nintendo has hidden a glimpse of Samus’ face, specifically her left eye (right part of picture) and a hint of the right eye. Oh and let’s not forget to mention the fact that there are 4 ‘pillars’ in the spectrogram. We’ve made the following animation in order to further demonstrate where Samus’ face and specifically her eyes, appear.

The second picture was made by importing the .mp3 from the video into a free online spectrogram. I recommend to move slightly away from you screen and judge for yourselves.

What do you think? Does this look like a hidden message or a classic case of pareidolia?

I don’t know about you but I’ll keep examining the spectrogram in Audacity. Maybe there’s a release date hidden in there. Or an Unreal Engine 4 logo.

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