What makes a good PDF Reader?

PDF files appear to have replaced all other forms of documentation, from .RTF to .DOC.

When we think of documents, we think of PDFs. They’re popular due to their benefits that include convenience, efficiency, and security. They’re so popular now that most computers and mobile devices come with built-in software to open PDF documents.

However, these software are not of much use as they can only perform basic functionalities, i.e: view the file. If you want to enjoy all the benefits of PDF files then you will need to get your hands on a good PDF reader like SodaPDF.

While SodaPDF is an excellent choice, it’s not the only PDF reader out there. There are dozens of other options to choose from. Here’s what you should consider when it comes to selecting a PDF reader:

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1. Know About your Needs

Different PDF readers cater to different needs. If you are only interested in a reader that will let you view PDF files without any added features, you won’t have to invest in an expensive one. You may not even need a PDF reader for this purpose as built-in tools are enough to view files.

However, if you need to perform other tasks then you will need to be careful. Answer these questions:

  • Will I have to share the documents with others? It is normal for users to want to share documents with others. You might want to share class notes with colleagues or send your presentation to a friend. For this purpose, you need a tool that offers easy sharing option with customization, i.e: limited access. This way you can decide how a user can do to a file, i.e: view only, view and make changes, etc.

  • Do I work with confidential information? People use PDF files to create confidential documents including job applications, business contracts, etc. Plus, even businesses save information such as employees’ details in PDF format. Such information has to be kept safe and secure. This is why you should look for a tool that offers added security in the form of password protection.

  • What kind of documents will I read? For example, if you read eBooks then you will need a PDF reader that makes it easy to read eBooks. This includes the ability to view the file in different modes, such as portrait and landscape modes.

2. Affordability

Most paid versions of PDF readers offer additional features, but if you are not looking for extensive functions you can also use a free version. It is recommended that you choose an affordable reader with a lifetime license so that you don’t have to worry about the payment every now and then.

Also, first use the free trial version before finalizing a purchase.

3. Customer Support

Choose a company that offers excellent customer support so that you have no trouble in using the app.

Keep these simple tips in mind when choosing a PDF reader. The key lies in being careful and doing research before picking one.

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